Intro to Essential Oils

Discover the healing power of essential oils!

Plus easy ways to get started with certified pure therapeutic grade oils today.

Disclosure: This post may contain affiliate links, meaning I get a commission if you decide to purchase through my links, at no cost to you.

Hey there, I'm Hailey, and I'm all about making life smell and feel amazing with essential oils. So, here's the scoop on how I got into this oily world.

Back in 2013, I was practically at war with my sleep. Imagine waking up every hour all night long for four whole months – brutal, right? Then a new roommate handed me doTERRA Serenity. Suddenly, I was sleeping through the night, and within a week I kicked sleep meds to the curb. I was bouncing with energy, and my sleepless nights were history.

From that point, I was a true believer in these oily miracles. After a lot of trial and error exploring all angles of essential oils, I landed back with DoTERRA and the pure products that caused me to fall in love with oils to begin with. Purity matters if you want real results!

Ready to dive in?

When you join my oily crew, you're not just getting the purest, most effective oils; you're getting a bunch of experts and me on speed dial. Seriously, my team is filled with holistic practitioners, and we've got an incredible platform for learning! From oils for everything to personalized protocols, we've got your back!

My vision is to help make oils your new healthy habit. I want to break down the overwhelming stuff and make oils a no-brainer in your life. DIYs, education, and an amazing community. These oils can change lives. They did it for me, and I'm betting they'll do it for you too.

Catch you on the oily side – we smell good!

Essential Oil Protocols

30-Day Sleep Reset

(Coming Soon)
3 Months of Low-Tox Swaps

(Coming Soon)
Metabolic Reset

Perfect Bundles to Start Your Oily Journey

Diving into the world of essential oils doesn’t have to be overwhelming! Below I have designed a handful of starter kits to empower your success. New customers get a free diffuser with 150-point value purchases too!

Plus, you will unlock access to an in-depth, practitioner-led learning library!

If you’d like to build out a custom bundle, please reach out and I’d be happy to do an oil consultation to find the perfect products and uses for you!

Hailey’s Top 10

These are my “never leave the house without” oils and products. All of my favorites for every situation. The PastTense oil is what made me an oil believer back in 2013 for how it helped my headaches!


Favorite Diffuser Blends

The perfect start for replacing toxic candles and scent plug-ins! This exciting variety hits all the right notes - a bit of citrus, spice, fresh, and earthy. If this is your first order, it can come with a free diffuser!


Calm Down Kit

Dealing with stressful days and restless nights? This kit has all my favorites to help reset the nervous system, promote a calming environment, facilitate grounding, and reduce inflammation.


Non-Toxic Home

Did you know many of the cleaning products in your home can be negatively affecting your health, even your kids and pet’s wellbeing? Here are some simple, cost-effective swaps for a healthier home.

Best-Sleep-Ever Bundle

Serenity was my very first essential oil and immediately had such a profound impact on my sleep! The new and improved sleep system will have you sleeping soundly and waking up energized!


The Perfect Multivitamin

A long life full of vitality and healthy aging begins with providing your cells with essential nutrients and metabolic factors to help them perform optimally.


Pain Relief Essentials

Swap out that BioFreeze and pill-popping for these plant-based powerhouses instead! Targeting those sore muscles, achy joints, tingling toes, & gnawing inflammation with cleaner solutions.


Clean Beauty

The products we put on our skin can have damaging effects if they’re filled with synthetic fragrances and concerning ingredients. Not only are doTERRA’s beauty products clean, they work great too!

Emotional Aromas

If you’re a human going through a human experience, you need this set on hand always! This proved very helpful while mourning the death of my dad. This is a great set to get started with.


Metabolic Reset Bundle

Support your metabolism, energy, and health with this powerful system. This is the incredible and potent collagen I use in my daily adrenal mocktails, and the gum is my new fave!


Back to School Kit

This “made for kids” kit is a perfect way to safely use oils with your little ones! Seven safely-diluted rollers specially formulated for developing minds, bodies, and emotions. Plus a few back-pack essentials.


Bougie Beauty

Looking for amazing, bright, hydrated skin? These incredible clean skin-care products are worth every penny. The immortelle serum is packed with skin-healing oils for a youthful glow.


Best. Sleep. Ever!